Sunday, July 13, 2008

A good weekend

Addie is having a good weekend. Grandpa came up with the camper and she had her first trip to the campsite...although she didn't get to sit around the fire or anything, I think she still enjoyed the trip and being in the camper. She had a "cluster feeding" after the camping trip where she has two bottles back to back with less time in between than normal. Then, at her feeding at 8 this morning she finished off 70 ml and I had Zac add 20 ml more and she pretty much finished that off! (30 ml is 1 ounce) So we'll be having to increase the amount of milk we are putting in the bottles! We'll have to run to the store today as we'll be needing the larger bottles soon!

We see Dr. Zittergren on Wednesday and we've been compiling a list of questions for him and are excited to see how he thinks Addie is doing. It is amazing to think that a week ago Addie still had a feeding tube and we were struggling to get her to take 40 ml! I was holding her little hand last night and I'm pretty sure it has doubled in size! It is so good to be able to notice her changing and getting bigger!

I signed up for a membership to the National Down Syndrome Association and am excited to be recieving the new parent package that has many good resources for new parents. I have been able to do some more reading and hope to finish Babies with Down Syndrome this week so I can pass it onto Zac. This is the book that the nurse said is the first thing we should read and is the best resource for us right now. It just happened to be a book one of my parents friends had given them to give to us!

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