Sunday, October 26, 2008

Post Op Day 4 Morning

Addie had a great night last night. Grandma even got some sleep here in the room! After rounds this am Dr. Stevens came in and removed Addie's chest tubes! Addie tolerated that very well, they did give her some morphine and she hardly even fussed! She's a tough cookie!

Addis is no longer on a morphine drip and they have decreased the IV drip with the heart meds so she should be off those soon as well.

They also let us know that the plan for today is to move down to the 2nd floor to one of the rooms that is still considered a PICU room, so we'll still have our own nurse, but a better room and is the next step torwards moving to the peds cardiology floor.

Addie has been resting comfortably today. She is no longer restricted on fluids, so we can feed her as much and as often as she wants.

We will take visitors, you can call Zac or I's phone and our room telephone # is on my voicemail as we can't have our cell phones on in the room.


  1. Erin--we're thrilled to hear that everything has been going so well. God has been listening to everyone's prayers and taking great care of Addie! We're sending hugs as well as continued prayers! Love you all!

  2. So glad to hear that everything is going so well for your sweet pea! Wish we could visit but we'll send some cyberhugs instead. In our thoughts and prayers...

  3. WOW WHAT A GIRL!!!see i told you she was ready to go shopping and eat steak!!

  4. Praise God for another good day for Miss Addie!!! Sorry we didn't make it today. It was a busy, full house day for us here, but I will keep in touch with you and find a time to make it down there! I can't wait to see you guys. Sounds like things just couldn't be going any it! Sleep well tonight! And you mom is awesome. What would we do without our mom's? 2 thumbs up for Pam:) Love, The Barcz's
